Sunday, April 18, 2010

Update on Project - Everywhere is here

The thesis was recognised recently, and received the Regional and National thesis of the year. My hopes are that other students and thinkers pursue the topic of the Thesis from which ever angle and industry they are in. It is an exciting and relevant topic, I know I am continuing with the practical and theoretical investigations in this direction.
Here is an Article about the project and its recent award, Read it here on

For those of you that were reading closely, I appologise for abandoning the Blog for a while. But!!! in true nature of Open Source Information I have made the entire Thesis Document available online via my website in the "BIO" section. OR get it directly from here!

Any and all feedback is welcome!


Thursday, September 24, 2009

The story that sparked the Open Information Campus - Thesis

In one the first posts in this thesis-blog I spoke of a young Malawian boy that could not go to school and through reading pictures he learnt how to make a windmill, bloggers and journalist spread his story. this is his TED talk about his inspiration to learn and gain information otherwise inaccessible to him.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Interior Spatial Experience

Here is an early animated sketch.
The sketch here that describes what the internal exprience of the "open campus/ information market" might feel like and how it may differ from that of a library.

Monday, August 17, 2009

From the Iconic Object to the De-Institutionalized Library

Archigram, the 1960 Architectural and Urban Think-tank, conceptualised the travelling city, "A circus of Ideas" that like an air balloon would travel from one city to the next parading a specific theatre of urban cultures, cafes, museums and information from one urban experience (say.. New york City) to another city context (say London, or India) therefor re-creating that information intensive city enviroment momentarily in another city.

The concept expresses a foresight into today networked society where our world in networked and cultures and people share their experiences over the world-wide-web. Information travels, it is fluid, and experience motivated. Like the "Circus of Ideas" the new knowledge incubator (library) could be an urban experience, like a campus, where u drop-in for an immersive information extravaganza or retreat, and then leave again.

Thus it is worth conceptually breaking down the tradition instutional library archetype, briefly described below.
The institutional Iconic Object (university library / or private library) contained behind the block, and within walls of security.

The modern public library - opaque, revealing the activity, showcases knowledge, and linked to a public space.

Utopian Concept 1: The de-institutionalized object OPTION 1, exposed, no walls, direct extension to public space, free platform of knowledge, yet contained under roof as a symbol (primal shelter)
Utopian Concept 2: The de-institutionalized object OPTION 2, The broken-down Icon, scattered buildings, smaller, less intimidating, experience like a city, direct reltionship to threshold and public space is made more intimate and accidental. Similar to a campus, small dedicated buildings of information.

First Building Concpet : an amalgamation of the two de-institutionalized library concepts. Ramped public space, mini campus, direct feed to public platform, open yet secured, city like experience, intimate, both flexible and semi-rigid spaces.

Program Development : Spatial connectivity and Flow

The Program and Areas were furthur divided and placed in order as per the relationship study (previous post). The program was divided as follows, Knowledge Incubator (library anchor), Information Creche (kids) Business Ramp, Study Ramp, Leisure Ramp, Sharing-Info Ramp, Accidental Ramp (public space), and Ammenities.
After ordering, the program is ramped, with a hierarchical flow from flexible to semi-rigid spaces.

Areas massing/proportions diagram
Stacked program massing

Building Program Development - An Open Information Campus (and Public Library)

This Diagram describes the position of the building. Its need adresses public knowledge gain, and the aspects that affect the current knowledge access presented by the traditional library.

Mapping Study: of uses of internet cafe in informal unemployed settlements (in South Africa Kliptown Township (Soweto) and Yeoville Suburb)

Program Development from uses study of Internet Cafe

Program spatial association - what works with what? Conclusion: Business program (pink) buffered by study spaces (black line), and the study spaces linked to a Leisure zone (beige). The leisure is buffered by a social spaces that spill out to "accidental" or public spaces (grey)

A pogram hybrid: Library spaces, Internet Cafe needs, and public space qualities. All tied to an Information anchor (library)